Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hollywood by Michael Buble!

On one of my favorite blogs, Monograms and Manicures, I discovered an absolutely lovely song, Hollywood by Michael Buble! It is the perfect song for a Saturday night drive around town :)

Love it!
Kisses Erica

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Yumiko Leotards

store_pict_modelprofileDuring Nutcracker rehearsals, we are allowed to wear any colored leotard -- I have always wanted a Yumiko Leotard, the colors are so cute, and the styles are so unique. I really want to buy myself one for Christmas -- tell me what you guys think about this one?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Morning Star! YUMMY~!!!

My new obsession: Morning Star Vegetarian Meats. Now for all of you meat-lovers out there, you may be slightly dubious whether something made of veggies and tofu could ever taste like your favorite juicy burger -- but if it doesn't match that, it sure comes pretty darn close! Plus there are WAYYYY less calories in the Morning Star meats than regular meat. I just picked up some of their sausage patties for breakfast and I am planning to grill some garden burgers for dinner tonight! YUM!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Embarrassing Moments with Marie!

Hey guys! So we all have our embarrassing moments right? Just the other day, I was taking a CVS run before my nutcracker rehearsals and realized that I was running extremely late. So my friend H and I decided to grab our snacks and charge across the street with only 3 seconds to go. Now I ran like the wind, and I made it alive to the other side --- but then my boot got stuck on the sidewalk and I literally DIVED face first into the pavement! OUCH! Thank goodness I only have a nasty little scab on my hand~!  The embarrassing part wasn't the fall though, just as I hit the pavement, a group of tourists came rushing over and formed a little huddle around me -- I tried to convince them that I was fine, but they wouldn't believe me -- heck, they must have thought I died or something! They ended up walking me up the street just to make sure I was okay. Anyways, even though this was a super embarrassing moment, it's good to know that there are such nice people out there that would help me if I actually did fall and kill myself crossing the street. :)
So tell me, what was YOUR most embarrassing moment?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Harry Potter

The next morning Harry woke up in a sleeping bag on
living room floor. A strip of sky was visible
between the heavy curtains, the color blue was cool
Clear Ink watered down, was between the night and
the dawn and all was silent, except for deep breaths and
Ron and Hermione quietly. Harry looked at the shapes
dark stood out on the floor beside him.
Ron, in a fit of gallantry, had insisted that
Hermione sleep on the couch cushions removed, then
she was higher. The arm fell back on the
floor, her fingers inches from Ron's.
Perhaps they had fallen asleep holding hands. (Ch. 10,
p. 167)

Sick Sick Sick!

Hi guys,
Last Sunday after Nutcracker rehearsals I could barely stand up. I got in the car and just fell asleep. I had to miss ballet for the last 3 days and I am getting restless. I have just been at home for the last two days and I am INSANELY board, so I decided to make a list of the things that I have accomplished while i was at home sick this week. 

1. Slept
2. Watched TV
3. Slept some more
4. Checked Facebook compulsively to see if anyone was available to chat at 10 AM
5. Checked Polyvore
6. Made quesadillas -- yum!
7. Slept even more
8. Cleaned my room
9. Went to the doctors
10. Took some asprin

So there you have it! That is pretty much all I have accomplished in the last 72 hours!